Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Views

My Views:

A) I dont care what color you are.
B) I dont care what religion you are.
C) I dont care about your ethic background.

What I do care about is the way you treat others and yourself.
A black man who treats himself as a black man is racist.
A black man who treats himself as a white man is racist.
A white man who treats himself as a white man is racist.
A white man who treats himself as a black man is racist.
A man who treats himself as equal to any other man is a good man.

Race, Color, Religion, Age, Sex, Handicap are issues that should never be brought up in a politcal situation when talking about the canidates. But it always is brought up. We have a Woman and a Black Man running for president, when it should just be two people, two canidates running for president.

Sadly these issues will never, and I do mean never, go away. People will always look at each other as black, white, hispanic, asian, jewish, catholic, christian, muslim, male, female, old, young and any other way that sterotypes another. I feel that this will ONLY change when people stop looking at themselves in these ways. If you say "i'm white" or "i'm black" people will look at you that way with all their racist and sterotypical views already applied.

I am a person. I am an individual. I am whatever I say I am. Nothing anyone else can say will ever change who I am and what I am.

(Repost from one of my other blogs:

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